Cheviot 99 Challenge
If you're looking to bag all 99 hills in The Cheviots over 300m, we have every hill with exact locations, parking and maps.
You have bagged 0 out of 99 hills Login to tick off those you have already bagged.

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Come and join our friendly Facebook group and share photos of your hill bagging.
Or ask any questions about hill bagging in the Cheviots.
Join Cheviot 99 Challenge Facebook GroupHave you completed the Cheviot 99 Challenge?
Mark this wonderful acheivement with your very own official Cheviot 99 coaster. Created from bamboo and measuring 8cm in diameter, it's the perfect place to put your cup of tea (or beer) as you rest from your hill bagging. Buy today for £5 including delivery.
Buy CoasterAll proceeds go towards the upkeep of the Cheviot 99 website.